Ἐὰν δὲ καταλημφθῇ, καὶ εὑρεθῇ ἐν τῇ χειρὶ αὐτοῦ τὸ κλέμμα ἀπό τε ὄνου ἕως προβάτου ζῶντα, διπλᾶ αὐτὰ ἀποτείσει.
Now if he is caught, and the thing stolen from donkey to sheep is found in his hand alive, he shall compensate them double.
22:3 אם־המצא תמצא בידו הגנבה משׁור עד־חמור עד־שׂה חיים שׁנים ישׁלם׃
* καταλημφθῇ | καταλειφθῇ
* ἀποτείσει | ἀποτίσει
* caught, i.e. red handed OR seized
* from donkey to sheep OR whether donkey or sheep
* hand OR possession
* donkey OR ass
* compensate OR restore
* double OR two-fold